Lakeview Loop is the longest trail in Hickory Knob State Park at 7.2 miles. You will wander through woods and grassy inlets to lake vistas.

After entering the park, head to The Barn, a red barn on the left side of the road. Park here for easy access to the trail. This parking area is also where to begin for the Turkey Ridge Loop trail across the road.

Lakeview Loop is marked with painted blue blazes and diamond blazes with “Lakeview Loop” written on them. There are also mileage markers, so you have an idea of how far you have gone. It is a hiking-biking, single-track trail so be sure to listen for cyclists and make room for others.

Lakeview Loop trail curving by the shore
Lakeview Loop Mile 6 blaze

Because it is a loop, you can start the trail on either side of the barn; however, the information board for the trail is to the left along with a post-and-rail fence. I have hiked from both directions, and it is 1.5 to 2 miles either way before you really get a good look at the lake.

Lakeview Loop Trail

Start at the trailhead information board and head toward the lake. It starts as a narrow path on a ledge. When I hiked it in May, it was covered in pine needles.

Steph hiking the trail
Lakeview Loop trail

The forest was alive with grasshoppers, butterflies, and wildflowers.

Grasshopper on trail
Climbing butterfly pea bloom

Due to creek beds flowing toward Lake Strom Thurmond, there are a lot of dips on the path. You will get some views of the lake between the trees. The route does have some steep slopes and climbs so I would rate it as a moderate trail.

Lake peeking through the trees
Lake Strom Thurmond from the trail

There is a rock outcrop with beautiful views of the lake about 2.5 miles into the trail. You have to go a little off the path to access it. It is a gorgeous spot to enjoy the deep blue waters.

Lake Strom Thurmond from shoreline
Steph sitting on the rocks by the lake
Lake Strom Thurmond rocks on shoreline

Reverse Lakeview Loop Trail

To start on the trail on the back half (opposite the information kiosk), head to the right of the barn and look for a faint trail close to the road. This was lovely in autumn with the leaves changing color.

Lakeview Loop trail end by road
Lakeview Loop Trail in autumn

In the fall, I spotted anole lizards and a little American toad.

Anole lizard on tree
American toad in the leaves

This direction had more open areas to see Lake Thurmond. The trail proves its name with beautiful wide landscapes!

Lake Strom Thurmond at opening
Lake Strom Thurmond from the trail
Lake Strom Thurmond view near the dock
Lake Thurmond from the trail

After hiking Lakeview Loop and the Turkey Ride Trail, check out the last trail in park – Beaver Run. From the Beaver Run Trail, you’ll see different views of the lake and catch a glimpse of historic Guillebeau House.

Check out my South Carolina blogs for other hikes nearby.

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