Crowders Mountain State Park has two peaks (Crowders Mountain and The Pinnacle) with views of North Carolina’s Piedmont. Hikers on the Ridgeline Trail can even hike two states – starting in North Carolina and crossing into South Carolina and Kings Mountain State Park. Other than hiking, visitors also enjoy picnicking, fishing, rock climbing, and bouldering.

On my second visit to the park, I hiked the Crowders Trail to the overlook on Crowders Mountain in the northeastern section.

Crowders Trail

I started at the Sparrow Springs Access Area. Crowders Trail is a 2.8-mile hike one way. White diamond blazes direct your course through the forest.

Park maps and signs call it a moderate trail, but I would consider it strenuous. It is moderate for the first mile and then gets more difficult.

The path consists of dirt, sand, rocks, and tree roots. There is also a section with wooden steps.

Crowders Trail through the trees
Crowders Trail steps

Hikers must cross Sparrow Springs Road. There is a crosswalk and a push button to activate caution lights for traffic.

Shortly after the road crossing, the trail splits – Crowders Trail continues 1.8 miles to the left and the strenuous Rocktop Trail ascends 1.5 miles to the right. Rocktop travels along the ridge and has steep drop offs.

This is when Crowders Trail gets more difficult in my opinion. The path bounds up and down with the landscape. There are numbered location posts along the trail to give emergency responders a better idea where to find you if needed.

Crowders Trail dirt path
Clay hills on Crowders Trail
Large rocks on Crowders Trail

Crowders Trail dead ends into the Backside Trail.

Backside Trail

The Backside Trail is a strenuous uphill trail with a steep incline. Orange blazes lead hikers around the backside of the mountain to the summit.

Note: For a shorter hike to the overlook, visitors can park at the Linwood Road Access Area and hike the full 0.8-mile length of the Backside Trail.

From Crowders Trail, it is 0.4 miles to the overlook. Before you reach those beautiful views, you will have to climb 336 wooden steps up a winding staircase.

Hundreds of steps on the Backside Trail


Crowders Mountain is 1,625 feet above sea level, rising 800 feet from the surrounding countryside.

Views from the Crowders Mountain overlook
View of the Piedmont from the overlook

There are enormous boulders at the summit. These make exploring the overlook fun and adventurous.

Boulder outcrop at the summit of Crowders Mountain
Enormous boulders at the Crowders Mountain overlook

Visitors can also climb the 150-foot sheer rock cliffs to the summit. I was able to watch a rock climber appear over the edge!

Once I’d relaxed and enjoyed a bite to eat, it was time to make the over 3-mile trek back to my car.

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