Two popular attractions in Jackson, New Hampshire are Jackson Falls and the Honeymoon Covered Bridge.

Jackson Falls

Jackson Falls is a roadside, multi-cascade waterfall along Carter Notch Road/Route 16B. Free 2-hour parking is available at two pull-offs on the road. The upper parking area has two accessible parking spots.

Trail at Jackson Falls
Cascades over rocks on Wildcat Brook

Wildcat River drops a combined 100 feet through the cascades and plunges. This river is a National Wild and Scenic River, one of three in New Hampshire.

Steph at Jackson Falls
Cascades on Jackson Falls

You can see some of the cascades from the road without having to hike, making it perfect for those with accessibility issues or young children.

Jackson Falls looking toward the upper falls
Jackson Falls with early fall foliage

We spotted a few black-capped chickadees hopping on tree branches.

Unlike some nearby waterfalls, visitors are permitted to swim here, and dogs are allowed. A few picnic tables dot the tree line so visitors can extend their stay by enjoying lunch or a snack.

Honeymoon Covered Bridge

A popular road trip idea for New England is to visit the hundreds of covered bridges throughout the region. Honeymoon Covered Bridge, also called Jackson Covered bridge, crosses Ellis River. It got its “honeymoon” nickname from the tradition of people kissing under it for good luck.

Parking is available just before the bridge along Main Street/Route 16A, near Flossie’s General Store.

Road into the Honeymoon Covered Bridge

Of course, right as we parked the sky opened its floodgates and it started pouring rain. After waiting to see if it would pass quickly (spoiler: it did not!) we decided to brave the quick run under the bridge. Thankfully it has a side walking path on its upstream side, so it was safe to take shelter there while exploring the bright red bridge.

Honeymoon Covered Bridge and sidewalk

Honeymoon is a Paddleford truss style bridge built around 1876. The attached sidewalk was added in 1930.

Interior of Jackson Covered Bridge

Looking for additional nearby waterfall or hiking options? Consider Pinkham Notch State Park or the trails along the Kancamagus Highway.

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