Stevens Creek Heritage Preserve is located off State Road S-33-88 near Clarks Hill, South Carolina. There is a small gravel parking area along the road. Entrance to the preserve is free.

Stevens Creek Heritage Preserve Trail

I walked the 1.9-mile loop trail through the preserve in early 2020. It’s a moderate trail due to a section of steady incline in the middle.

From the parking lot, walk through the 3 trailhead posts and up to the information board. There is a map on the information board but is it small and you may miss it among the other flyers. When I visited, the map was in the upper right corner. To start, go to the right of the board.

Three Posts
Trailhead posts
Stevens Creek Information Board
Information board

Signage and Trail Blazes

Trail blazes/markers vary on the path. There are painted pink blazes, green arrows on white signs, and white diamond “Heritage Preserve Hiking Trail” signs.

Stevens Creek Pink Trail Blazes
Green arrow sign
Green arrow trail sign
Heritage Preserve diamond sign

Begin the Trail

The trail is mostly dirt and leaves with some spots where you have to walk on rocks. It is well maintained for the most part. There were a couple of fallen trees to climb over.

Stevens Creek Trail
Arching tree
Stevens Creek Trail

Even in winter, moss, lichen and ferns bring color to the landscape. Near the beginning, a small creek winds next to the path with a steep crevasse.

Small Creek
Moss and leaves

Loop Point Bridge

There are two small wooden bridges. The first bridge (with railings) is the loop point. I went clockwise around the loop, crossing the bridge on the left to continue on the trail.

First bridge
First bridge

Shortly after the bridge, you’ll use large rocks to cross the creek. Be careful as these can be slippery when wet. If there is enough recent rainfall, the creek may give you a glimpse of a small waterfall to the left as you pass over.

Large boulder outcroppings are settled on the nearby ridge.

Stevens Creek rocks
White Rock with Moss

The preserve is known for its unique flora and fauna for the area. Spring flowers were just beginning to pop up on the day I hiked through. There were woodpeckers, butterflies, squirrels, and a lizard.

Small purple flowers

Stevens Creek

To your left, there is a long section of the trail that provides views of Stevens Creek. Due to a recent rain, the creek was very muddy.

Stevens Creek
Stevens Creek

Then you will cross the second bridge (without railing) on your left. After the bridge, there is a sign signaling a sharp U-turn to the right to return on the loop.

Second Bridge
Second Bridge
Loop turn with sign
Loop turn to the right

Here is the section of steady incline up the ridge. While it is not a hard climb, it is a longer section of the trail.


Along the top, there is a small lookout to your right. Stairs lead down to a few large rocks overlooking the ravine. This is a nice place to stop and enjoy the area but watch your step!

Stevens Creek overlook
Stevens Creek selfie

Large sections of moss and lichen cover the ground and rock slabs here.

Lichen and pine
Lichen and moss on rocks

After the lookout, the trail slopes down and curves back to the first bridge. You will need to use rocks to cross over the stream again.

Loop Point To Return

Once you are across the stream, turn left to head back to the parking lot. The path is a moderate climb up on the way out.

I think this is a nice, relatively easy hike if you want to get outside for some fresh air. In the spring, the whole area is green and would be beautiful to see!

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