Located near The Flume Gorge in Franconia Notch State Park, The Basin is another wonderful hiking area with multiple waterfalls. This state park is along I-93 which winds through White Mountain National Forest.

Unlike The Flume, The Basin is free to visit. There is a good-sized parking lot, picnic tables, and restrooms.

The Basin

Take the Pemi Trail along the Pemigewasset River, for which it is named. This trail is a short, easier hike to the iconic falls.

The Basin has a 30-foot-wide, 15-foot-deep granite pothole at its base. Melting glacier waters eroded the solid granite bedrock. While the waterfall itself is rather short at 8 feet, the water swirling through the bowl is mesmerizing!

Close up of The Basin
The Basin in Franconia Notch

The Basin has been smoothed over thousands of years by small stones and sand, spun around by the Pemigewasset River. On the way to this waterfall is a small, curved cascade with the same smoothed surface. It looks almost like concrete.

Water turning in concrete-like granite

For those with mobility issues, there is a universally accessible paved path to view The Basin from above as well.

The rock formation in the riverbed is known as ‘The Old Man’s Foot.’

According to a sign near The Basin, after his first visit Henry David Thoreau wrote “this pothole is perhaps the most remarkable curiosity of its kind in New England.”

More Hiking Trails

From The Basin, you can quickly jump on the Basin-Cascade Trail to view more large cascades and a handful of additional waterfalls like Cascade Brook Falls and Kinsman Falls.

This path hugs Cascade Brook which is aptly named for the stunning drops along its length.

Colorful leaves along Cascade Brook
White Mountains and Cascade Brook
Rapids on Cascade Brook

I would rate Basin-Cascade as a moderate to moderately high difficultly trail because visitors are forced to navigate slick granite and gnarled roots while climbing an incline and it was muddy. Follow the painted blue blazes, but basically just continue uphill.

Basin-Cascade Trail and blaze
Basin-Cascade Trail tree roots

There are several openings to your left which give you access to views of the brook. Watch your footing and follow other waterfall and hiking safety tips when near the water.

Unnamed falls on Cascade Brook
Steph watching water flow on Cascade Brook

The Basin is perfect for families and anyone looking for an easy to see waterfall. Additional waterfalls on Cascade Brook are great for hikers looking for longer trails. Have you visited Franconia Notch State Park? What was your favorite part? Comment below!

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